Tuesday, January 29, 2008

In which no Race was played

Well, not much, anyway.

Michael and I showed up early, and played a single game of Race before the crowd arrived. Jeff, Amy and Simon joined us for a quick game of Escalation.

I have played Geschenkt. Geschenkt was a close personal friend of mine. You, sir, are no Geschenkt. (Or Fairy Tale, or Flauschenteufel, or Bridge, or ... or ... or...). A "Play as many hands as you want" card game has to bring serious mojo to the table to be played again. Escalation is not that game.

When Sean arrived we split and played Power Grid. John showed up a bit later and joined in the side game of not much. Meanwhile, by busting my ass working a ridiculously stressful 32 hour week, I provided power to France.

After that was the chockingest choke that ever choked in a game of Celebrities. Choking was involved. Grand Moff Tarkin was not choked. Wayne Brady did some choking. As did several players. Winning for the "most amazing 3-time appearance in a single game" honorary MVP -- Master Chief. Why no, I don't have an XBox. Not bitter at all. Thanks for asking.

Then we closed with two games of Kutschfahrt, in which we learned that if several players simultaneously decide to deceive, everyone will get hopelessly confused. But we managed to get unconfused when Al and Sean kept swapping their "one use" professions with the device that reset them. They quickly declared victory, and we let them.

What, you say you want to hear how the games went, and not my surreal summary? Should have attended, I say. You'll have your shot next Monday. We may even play Race.

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At 8:43 PM, January 29, 2008, Blogger seanp said...

OK, it's only choking because I couldn't answer (or give clues well) in the last round. If it had happened in the FIRST round, then we would have had a come-from-behind finish like some OTHERS in the group. Sigh. Celebrities is a game that while playing it has some great and funny moments, but is incredibly stressful to me, and I'm never eager to jump into it. I do pretty damn well at the "one word" phase, but the charades phase just kills me.

I'm interested in what people thought of the games of Kusfhart we played - I enjoy the game immensely, even when I don't have information and feel lost - and I also like games with chaos and misinformation (see online werewolf). So I enjoyed both games, but the second one especially. The first game took 15 minutes - the second one took 70. Was it too much?

At 10:32 PM, January 29, 2008, Blogger Simon said...

Actually, Michael and I played two games of Race (one with Jon). It definitely takes a learning game or two to get what is going on, but I managed to win my first match by playing an all military strategy (by luck and happy accident). Michael did that whole “long-term economic engine” thing I've never been able to competently grasp in any Euro ever and won the rematch.

Celebrities was freakin' great. In fact, I even learned a few important things about SABG:
1) Never assume the people you've been playing games with for months and months, maybe even years, actually know your first name.
2) We are massively culturally insensitive.
3) Sometimes Wayne Brady just got to choke a bitch.
Let's just leave it at that...

Finally, there was Kutschfarht. Hey guess what? This game gridlocks real easy if both teams play defensive! No joke! Also there are a lot of broken powers, too! It's alright though, it was still good fun. Brian’s look of exasperation and despair every other turn was worth the price of admission alone. :)

At 11:16 AM, January 30, 2008, Blogger Unknown said...

I liked Escalation more than Geschenkt or Fairy Tale but my distaste for those games is well known so perhaps that isn't a shocker.

I wouldn't lump Bridge into the play as many hands as you like unless you had some sort of pre-duplicated par hands. Otherwise you pretty much want to finish a full rubber or possibly even a full set of rubbers.

At 1:49 PM, January 30, 2008, Blogger JT said...

Celebrities was freakin' great. In fact, I even learned a few important things about SABG:
1) Never assume the people you've been playing games with for months and months, maybe even years, actually know your first name.
2) We are massively culturally insensitive.
3) Sometimes Wayne Brady just got to choke a bitch.
Let's just leave it at that...

Never heard of this game either, but sounds like you guys had a tremendous amount of fun with it!


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