Sunday, November 30, 2008

monday planning

I should be at DL between 5:15 and 5:30 tomorrow night. Who else thinks they will be making it out and when? I have a sneaking suspicion that those wacky Cylons will once again be dusting it up with those irrepressable Humans. (Vegas is going with the Cylons as the favorite; tin cans or no they always go with the odds.) There is a chance the final game of SABBL world series will be played or at least started.

What site was offering Dominion play via web options? Is there an AI or just an opportunity to play others via the web? What other AI options are out there for games that might also come up face to face?



At 2:13 PM, November 30, 2008, Blogger Brian said...

I don't know about PBW, but you can play online (against people) at BrettSpielWelt (.de). Probably best to download the client.

I'll probably be there at 5:30 ish

At 11:21 AM, December 01, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm tired from working overnight but I'm determined. All signs point to yes, prob 5pm.

At 1:51 PM, December 01, 2008, Blogger Unknown said...

I should be there for a little while. I think. It depends how I feel. Since I do not feel fantastic at the moment.

At 4:58 PM, December 01, 2008, Blogger Travis and Katy said...

I will probably show; not sure how long i will stay though


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