Wednesday, November 14, 2007

BGG.Con Departure Day!

At long last today is the day that many within SABG make the 5-hour pilgrimage northward to the bleak, frosty wasteland of Dallas-Fort Worth for BGG.Con. I am so very appreciative of the support my wife and coworkers have provided to let me get away during an otherwise busy time, and I plan to use this time wisely for maximum fun!

Last night I felt like a kid on Christmas Eve, tossing and turning with thoughts of board gaming fun dancing in my head, along with various rulesets for Star Craft, Brass, World of Warcraft, Hannibal, etc., that I'm trying to keep straight. At 3AM, frustrated with insomnia, I fired up the computer and saw that Jon, too, was up surfing the net waiting patiently for the next day to arrive. If only we had Halo 3, we could have joined Michael who was probably just getting started gaming.

Anyway, I hope we all have a very safe journey to Dallas and have a wonderful time this weekend. The plan is to play Star Craft tonight at Red Roof #129 across the street from convention site!



At 10:01 AM, November 14, 2007, Blogger Dennis Ugolini said...

Thursday departure for me -- damn college kids have to have their hands held through quantum-mechanical angular momentum operators. What is this world coming to?

I'll catch up with y'all by dinner tomorrow. Don't have fun without me!


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