Well, the pizza will be free, but you'll only get to play the games. We're moving out of our far-too-small apartment into a house!! And with that statement, the purpose of this post becomes all too clear: it's a cry for moving help. A couple of people Amy works with are bringing their trucks this coming Wednesday and Thursday and we figure if we can get two additional helpers each night, we can get the job almost completely done. I've got Thursday off, so anyone who wants to pitch in during the day is welcome then, too.
I never stated it outright, even though it was strongly implied - we'll supply pizza and soft drinks for everybody on all moving days, and I hope we have time for games each day. At worst, we should be able to get in a filler during the pizza break.
Normally I would be happy to help out, but I'll be on travel all next week.
FYI, as a point of reference, we moved yesterday. We hired 3 guys and their 25' truck, and I took the day off. We were renting a 3 bed house, and we were pretty well packed when they arrived. All told it took them 7 hrs to get everything loaded, moved, and unloaded. It was moderately expensive, but this month is so busy there weren't many other options.
Counting when we were married, my wife and I have moved five times since 2000, so I definitely feel your pain.
My normal policy is to give $50 to any friend that asks me to help them move and encourage them to hire professionals. :)
Still, I'm a sucker for pizza and games, so you can count me in, most likely for Wednesday evening.
Pizza? Games? Count me in.
I can help after I get off work each of those nights. Should we call before we head over? If so I need your number Jeff.
I'll try to plan to be there.
We never really unpacked, so we're pretty nearly ready to go. We don't have a whole lot of furniture - which is what we need the most help with.
Ben - FIVE times in six years?!?!?! That may be the saddest thing I've ever heard.
Jon - I'll Geekmail our number to you. Calling ahead is probably unnecessary.
I'm actually off Wed. I may be able to lend a hand once I take care of some stuff around the house.
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