Doomers Ahoy!

I was thinking last night, partly commiserating over my RPG days of yore, when I got an idea. Would anyone be interested in playing a homebrewed RPG based on Doom: The Board Game (using its components of course)? The design would actually be based off of an old prototype game of mine from way back in the day dubbed A.E. (from when all I knew about board gaming was Monopoly, Risk, and Stratego). Basically, think customized stats, saving throws, skill checks etc. as found in your standard game of Palladium / GURPS / Rifts / D20. If there's any interest, I'll look into cementing a night in sometime soon for a full game that I'll most likely GM. So…
Michael? Jon? Chad? Jeff (Where have you been, man?!)? Anybody?
Alright, I'm interested. As I've indicated recently on here my schedule might become much less flexible over the next month or so but we'll see.
I'd like to watch you guys do a LARP of this. I'd even volunteer to stand in occassionally as a one of the exploding, flaming skull creatures that rush at you and detonate.
...Only if I get to use a real chainsaw.
(LARPs have always scared me. They are so...Hokey?)
It's nice to be missed.
I managed to make it out to Patrick's last night.
Amy and I played in a weekly DnD group in Knoxville for five-ish years. It was with good friends and those were good times, but we're more interested in boardgaming now, and since we're part of a GREAT group here, we intend to make the most of it (my recent absences not withstanding).
LARPs scare me, too. Obsessive gaming is one thing, but LARPing is more than I can handle.
Yeah, I'd be interested. RPing is still my favorite mode of gaming so any chance to do a little is cool with me.
And I can speak from experience that LARPers are a special kind of creepy. I did a few sessions with the local Vampire Camarilla group in the late 90s. Scary stuff.
Camarilla... now that's an RPG I'd try. I did some AD&D (2nd edition) back in high school. But for years now I've been interested in Vampire rpg. I've played the computer games that have come out, but never the real thing (ie pen and paper).
Every once in a while I see the LARP people at McAllister Park beating the heck out of each other with their puffy swords and cardboard armor
I'm sure to tell my worried wife: "Don't worry, honey.. I'll never want to do that."
I did RPGs in high school and college. I never did any LARP. I heard about it and immediatly dismissed it without any information. It sounds scary, but then I don't actually have any information.
RPGs appeal to me on various levels. It used to be about power: getting stuff and killing bad guys (being more powerful than them). Now the part that interests me is collaborating to tell a story that you don't know the end to.
Problem is this takes a lot of time and committment. I can barely commit to play games once a week.
I'll follow this, but I'm unlikely to participate. Too many other commitments
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