Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Kingmaker admin 2

This picks up where I last left off. Next post will be how the Crown Cards determine your War Council, and how to represent the nobles and heirs on a Battlelore game board. I have openings for up to 7 players, who only need to inform me of their selected noble, and I'll kick off the initial set up. Feel free to e-mail me at if you'd like to play, or if you just have questions. I think we'll have several opportunities for practice games before anything meaningful results.

Resolving Battles

Anytime a battle must be fought, and the Crown Card totals are LESS than a 4-1 disparity, a game of Battlelore will be played.

The first thing to do is determine the overall commander and command level for each side. The commander will be the noble with the highest Crown Card troop points total in the largest faction on that side (alliances will be discussed later). An untitled noble has a Command rating of 3. A titled noble has a Command rating of 4. If an uncrowned heir accompanies the commander on the field, his Command rating rises by one; if a crowned heir accompanies the commander, his Command rating rises by two. The bonus for heirs is not cumulative. This allows for a range of 3-6, and reflects the army leadership's level of prestige.

Card Conversion

Percy: 1 Red Cavalry, 1 Blue Foot, 2 Green Archers
All other titled nobles: 1 Red Cavalry, 1 Green Archer
Non-titled nobles: 1 Blue Cavalry

All units derived from a noble and his title must be placed in the same section of the battlefield as that noble (his retinue).

Steward of the Royal Household: 1 Blue Foot, 1 Green Archer
Warden of the Cinque Ports: 1 Blue Foot, 1 Green Archer
Admiral of England: 1 Blue Foot, 1 Green Archer
Treasurer of England: 1 Blue Foot, 1 Green Archer
Constable of Dover: 1 Blue Foot, 1 Green Archer
Chancellor of England: 1 Blue Foot, 1 Green Archer
Marshal of England: 2 Blue Cavalry, 1 Green Archer, 1 Green Crossbow (use archer figures with green crossbow flag)
Warden of the Northern Marches: 1 Blue Foot, 1 Green Archer
Chancellor of Lancaster: 1 Blue Foot, 1 Green Archer
Chancellor of Cornwall: 1 Blue Foot, 1 Green Archer
Chamberlain of Chester (Wales): 1 Blue Goblin Foot, 1 Green Goblin Cavalry, 1 Green Goblin Archer
Constable of the Tower: 1 Blue Dwarf Foot, 1 Green Dwarf Crossbow

Extra Troops for Designated Areas:
Warden of the Northern Marches: Hill Giant, 1 Green Foot, 1 Green Archer
Chancellor of Lancaster: 2 Green Foot, 1 Green Archer
Chancellor of Cornwall: 2 Green Foot, 1 Green Archer
Chamberlain of Chester (Wales): Giant Spider, 1 Red Goblin Foot, 2 Green Goblin Foot, 1 Green Goblin Cavalry
Constable of the Tower: Hill Giant, 1 Red Dwarf Foot, 2 Blue Dwarf Foot
Bishops: 1 Blue Cavalry

Burgundian: 1 Red Cavalry
Flemish: 1 Red Foot
Scots: 1 Red Foot
Saxons: 1 Blue Cavalry
Once mercenaries fight in any battle, they are returned to the Crown Card deck unless the player can “pay” them. A Free Move card, a Writ, or any transferable Crown Card may be discarded to satisfy this requirement.

The War Council - next


At 9:50 PM, February 14, 2007, Blogger Carlos said...

You have really given this a lot of thought! I am all for it, but I really do need to dust off my Kingmaker game. Of course Ben let us all know in his poetic manner that I have yet to play Battlelore.

Your description is very detailed. Due to my poor memory and lack of experience in BL, I may need to see this in person. But please count me in.

At 10:10 PM, February 14, 2007, Blogger Ben said...

You've obviously put a great deal of skull time into this, and I want to support your enthusiasm and effort.

I do think it would only be fair to players who haven't played KM to try it before attempting to pick nobles or devise any sort of strategy. I don't remember all of the nobles myself, but I definitely remember some being way better than others. Neville is a good one, I believe...

At 10:15 PM, February 14, 2007, Blogger Ted said...

Steve: you go, man!

One note: you seem to be allocating a lot of green units, especially archers. I don't think a BL set comes w/ that many green guys. The bulk of the units are blue foot.

I'm willing to give this a shot. I'll try to read up on Kingmaker.

At 11:01 PM, February 14, 2007, Blogger Schifani said...

Carlos, we'll play one or both the first time we can game together.

Ben, so far it's been an odd mix of winning nobles. Audley and Cromwell have both won. I managed to win once with Greystoke, Lord of the Apes. Of course I also got royally gassed as Clifford and the Pitchfork faction. The initial parity does a good job of making all the characters viable. Neville's a goody, but the tough guys usually pay by being called all over the country to put down raids.

Ted, in the Wars of the Roses, large numbers of archers made up the armies (estimates of 40-60% are common). My conversions were based on what I'd dole out in a semi-historical setting. Let's try a sample deal when we get together, and see if the archers required are overwhelming. If so, I'll impose an archer "cap" for big games. Any green units required over this cap will be garden variety green short swordsmen. I think we'll have enough spare figures between us.

Having a ref allows for a lot of on the fly adjustments that simply wouldn't be possible if everyone were playing. It's fun and I'll do everything possible to give everyone a fair playing field.


At 12:03 PM, February 15, 2007, Blogger Ben said...

Another option might be to give some of the titles green swordsmen (representing irregulars or skirmishers) rather than archers. This might add a little more variety. Also, I'm not seeing any green cavalry listed. Is this by design?

These are just random thoughts, so take them or leave them, please.


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