Saturday, February 10, 2007

Heads Up -- Zopp on BoulderGames

When I went to Essen 'lo these many years ago, Jacqui and I paused by and looked longingly at Zopp. It was smooth enough to make me think it was an air-hockey game ... those discs glide. But it was expensive (in the $200 range) and big. I noticed that Boulder got it in a while ago at a decent price, and I was tempted.

But now it's on sale for one night only. At (just) under $100, I'm sold. And I picked up a few other small games, too. (And remember, the nice owner has offered a 5% kickback to any SABG member).

Update -- As Rob pointed out (in the comments), the 5% offer has officially expired.



At 9:34 PM, February 10, 2007, Blogger Simon said...

It does look pretty nifty, but after playing Jon's copy, I've learned my lesson that nothing is better than Crokinole no matter how much cooler it looks.

At 10:50 PM, February 10, 2007, Blogger Brian said...

Crokinole is OK, but I don't understand the obsession.

At 12:23 AM, February 11, 2007, Blogger Rob said...

I thought the extra 5% from SABG was until dec '06.

At 12:43 AM, February 11, 2007, Blogger Simon said...

Crokinole has the most obvious learning curve of any game I've played. It's so easy to see your skill improving over time and what's new for you to learn. Zopp just felt uber random since the playing surface is beyond human touch to reliably shoot accurately on (sooo many own goals). The rules were also less than stellar with some fiddliness. It's a good game, but not inexplicably great like Crok.


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