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Monday, January 15, 2007
1/16 freeze
I'm off until about 4pm tomorrow. Anyone interested in playing barring any overnight natural catastrophies? I'd like to play more Combat Commander, and Perikles if there's 3 at least. I could host btw.
Plus, I'm also itching to play my only XBOX 4 player 'minigames party game' that I haven't played in ages.
I don't know yet if I'm going to be off work, but unless we have a total disaster, I suspect I'd only be off until noon maximum. I'll keep praying for snow!
I already contacted Rob that I will be not be able to attend. I suspect that my Tuesday work situation will be similar to Ben's. SHow up a little later than usual.
1. Perikles: better than i expected, but certainly feels like something is missing in a 3 player game. I expect more diplomacy, more fighting, and the actual involvement of the Persian empire in a 5 player game (which comes to play when no player is able to gain political control of a city). It's basically an area control game with a simplified wargame component added to it, and multiple ways to score victory points from political and battle actions. No, it is not Byzantium. I don't think Jon (who's been scarred by the Byzantium disaster) was blown away, but he did enjoy it.
2. Thurn and Taxis with the Spielbox expansion, Der Kurier der Fürstin: VERY interesting. Such a simple concept that adds A LOT more than I expected to the game, without changing it too much. Basically it allows you to purchase extra 'favors' from the 4 officers available. Being able to factor that into your overall plan works out really well.
3. Bohnanza with High Bohn expansion: probably the most interesting of the bohananza expansions I own. You can basically buy special bean buildings that grant special rule-bending powers and enhancements. What's no to like? Some may seem a bit TOO powerful, but so what.
4. Combat Commander: Third game for me (getting close to the nickel). Jon and I played a super long scenario (#9). It included artillery for both sides, reinforcements, and satchel charges. Sweet stuff. The back of the box says 1-3hrs....this was probably going to be one of the 3hr ones. I had to cut it short at 2hrs because the wife was giving me the look. What an amazing game.... Memorable moments:
1. after a long scuffle to try to kick jon (krauts) out of a building, an airstrike event lands next to him and breaks all of his units inside. Too bad I didn't have a move card....(in my head I'm seeing my guys not being ready for that surprise airstrike to take advantage of it).
2. After making a decent advance with the US on to another objective up on a hill, Jon played barbed wire on my leader and slowed him down. I recovered eventually. Then that was followed by a surprise sniper event on that leader, and on that same turn, an artillery strike on all the units next to the leader. Major mayhem for the US.
I'm still hurting for not having been able to finish it. Someday. Didn't even get to use the satchel charges that have Fire Power of 12!
Wow, I would have enjoyed just watching that Combat Commander game. Sounds much better than Scenarios 1 or 2.
I really enjoyed playing Perikles, Bohnanza, and Thurn & Taxis.
I strongly concur that Perikles has potential to be a good game (probably not great, but very good) with 5 players. The theme does seem well implemented, though I thought the combat resolution was a bit lame (but then I think I lost about 8 of the 10 battles I fought in...., thus dooming Athens to the ashcan of history).
The Thurn expansion was very nice. I'm still on the fence as to whether I need to own it as well as the TTR series, but its a solidly fun game.
Of course the best event of the day was devouring the pizza after a 2-hour wait on the delivery! :) Many thanks to Rob for being such a generous and gracious host.
I don't know yet if I'm going to be off work, but unless we have a total disaster, I suspect I'd only be off until noon maximum. I'll keep praying for snow!
I already contacted Rob that I will be not be able to attend. I suspect that my Tuesday work situation will be similar to Ben's. SHow up a little later than usual.
Well, I'm working later anyway (5pm), so no probs here with my shift I'm sure. Anyway, I'm open to anything.
Hey, my boss just called and the base is shut down all day tomorrow. Snow day!! I can be at DL as early as 10:00 AM for board gaming fun.
Oh wait... DL might be closed... Rob, you hosting? The Dog House is open for business, but not as centrally located.
School's closed but work is still open for business...drat!
yes, still hosting from ~10am until about 3:30pm (prepare for work at 5pm, buy some groceries, thaw my dog, etc).
Excellent. I should be there NLT 10:30.
So Ben and Jon made it over:
1. Perikles: better than i expected, but certainly feels like something is missing in a 3 player game. I expect more diplomacy, more fighting, and the actual involvement of the Persian empire in a 5 player game (which comes to play when no player is able to gain political control of a city). It's basically an area control game with a simplified wargame component added to it, and multiple ways to score victory points from political and battle actions. No, it is not Byzantium. I don't think Jon (who's been scarred by the Byzantium disaster) was blown away, but he did enjoy it.
2. Thurn and Taxis with the Spielbox expansion, Der Kurier der Fürstin: VERY interesting. Such a simple concept that adds A LOT more than I expected to the game, without changing it too much. Basically it allows you to purchase extra 'favors' from the 4 officers available. Being able to factor that into your overall plan works out really well.
3. Bohnanza with High Bohn expansion: probably the most interesting of the bohananza expansions I own. You can basically buy special bean buildings that grant special rule-bending powers and enhancements. What's no to like? Some may seem a bit TOO powerful, but so what.
4. Combat Commander: Third game for me (getting close to the nickel). Jon and I played a super long scenario (#9). It included artillery for both sides, reinforcements, and satchel charges. Sweet stuff. The back of the box says 1-3hrs....this was probably going to be one of the 3hr ones. I had to cut it short at 2hrs because the wife was giving me the look. What an amazing game.... Memorable moments:
1. after a long scuffle to try to kick jon (krauts) out of a building, an airstrike event lands next to him and breaks all of his units inside. Too bad I didn't have a move card....(in my head I'm seeing my guys not being ready for that surprise airstrike to take advantage of it).
2. After making a decent advance with the US on to another objective up on a hill, Jon played barbed wire on my leader and slowed him down. I recovered eventually. Then that was followed by a surprise sniper event on that leader, and on that same turn, an artillery strike on all the units next to the leader. Major mayhem for the US.
I'm still hurting for not having been able to finish it. Someday.
Didn't even get to use the satchel charges that have Fire Power of 12!
Wow, I would have enjoyed just watching that Combat Commander game. Sounds much better than Scenarios 1 or 2.
I really enjoyed playing Perikles, Bohnanza, and Thurn & Taxis.
I strongly concur that Perikles has potential to be a good game (probably not great, but very good) with 5 players. The theme does seem well implemented, though I thought the combat resolution was a bit lame (but then I think I lost about 8 of the 10 battles I fought in...., thus dooming Athens to the ashcan of history).
The Thurn expansion was very nice. I'm still on the fence as to whether I need to own it as well as the TTR series, but its a solidly fun game.
Of course the best event of the day was devouring the pizza after a 2-hour wait on the delivery! :) Many thanks to Rob for being such a generous and gracious host.
Well, like in any other wargame, the dice can screw you... but in your case, it was particularly bad.
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