Last night, I went to see Star Wars in Concert. What an amazing performance. My wife and I were simply blown away. This of course just made me itch for another SW game. So I decided to look further into Star Wars: The Old Republic, Bioware's MMO coming out next year. Wow... this game will definitively get me back into the world of MMO's. To my surprise, when I talked to my wife today about this game, she said "you know, I would like to try that game out too". I was floored. Sure I enjoy when she decides to dabble on the occasional euro with me, but this... a PC game... an MMO! In the words of Neil, the chosen one, "woa...".
The game is set a few hundred (thousand?) years before Episode I. Bioware has been releasing an online comic book to give some background to the story underlying this setting. Great stuff.
Labels: mmmm...games, MMO, pcgaming, star wars
First, I finally need to complete KOTOR, but you can expect me to be there with you playing at launch. Let's make sure we wind up on the same server.
We saw the show Saturday night. It was excellent!
I thought it was great when my wife starting playing Red Dead Redemption; think again! I can no longer wait for her to fall asleep and then game all night -- the Russians were wrong, sharing sucks!
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