Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The most wonderful time of the year

As we all make our plans for this holiday season, some of us traveling, some of us staying at home, many of us getting together with friends or family, let's all try to remember that regardless of faith, this time of year is about one thing:

Getting stuff.

In all seriousness, I'm glad to have made friends with so many good people through this blog. And it's been a pleasure to welcome to the new people we've met over the last few months. Everyone stay safe, enjoy the time off, and celebrate the blessings we have in life, because we have a lot to be thankful for. We'll get together for some big organized gaming again soon.


At 8:09 AM, December 23, 2009, Blogger Anne said...

Well said, Chris!

I for one am certainly thankful for finding wonderful people to meet and game with so soon after moving to this fine city!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!

At 3:00 PM, December 23, 2009, Blogger Rob said...


Anyone doing any gaming at all this weekend? It doesn't have to be Here I Stand. I could probably do something shorter for ~2-3hrs on Sat. Sun may even be a possibility. I won't know for sure until the 25th.

At 3:31 PM, December 23, 2009, Blogger Brian said...

I may be able to do something this weekend, but probably won't know until late fri/early Sat...

At 7:17 PM, December 23, 2009, Blogger Ben said...

Have a happy and safe holiday, everyone!

Hooray, my X-Box is back from having its innards pulled out and replaced. I suspect Santa is bringing me Modern Warfare 2, so we'll see if its ready for a workout.

In the mean time I'll be snuggled up tight with my War of the Ring Collector's Edition promissory note, personally signed by some kind soul named "Staff" at FFG.

At 7:19 PM, December 23, 2009, Blogger Ben said...

Oh... BTW.... PC gamers should check out the sales running on Steam at the moment. There are some totally crazy deals to be had there right now. I just picked up AI Wars at 50% off and Defense Grid (old news, I know) for $2.50.

At 9:36 PM, December 23, 2009, Blogger Rob said...

Defense Grid is fun stuff. I'm stuck on the last level (only tried once though...).


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