Friday, April 11, 2008

Do the Shuffle!

Hey guys. I've been very busy with work, setting up my move/lease, and various family emergencies (thus explaining my current invisibility at the moment). I don't know if I'll have the time or energy to make it to anything soon, but I would like to share a great game I've been enjoying in the meantime!

Urban Dead is a low-tech (read: mostly text-based) MMO sans time sink. Basically you play in a huge city with about 30,000 other players in differing states of 'living'. You only get so many action points per day so you can play very leisurely and at your own pace. I spend about an hour cumulatively on it a day. The system is pretty cool, too. If you are interested in holding off the undead masses with me in my undisclosed personal fortress, I'd be happy to feed you some links to get you started:

>> Main Site
>> Wiki for Game Info
>> Toolbar Extension for Firefox to Improve the UI/Graphics


At 11:00 PM, April 11, 2008, Blogger Ben said...

I just joined and created a police officer.

At 12:43 AM, April 12, 2008, Blogger Simon said...

Email me and I'll give you coordinates to my location. I'd tell you here, but there are zombie spies about (no, I'm not kidding)...

At 10:11 AM, April 12, 2008, Blogger Rob said...

Simon, that comment above made me more interested. I'll let you know when I join.... must finish taxes first!

tick tick tick tick.... here's to procrastination

At 3:07 PM, April 12, 2008, Blogger Simon said...

The metagaming in this thing is ridiculous, Rob. There are PKer clans, zombie spies, and those dedicated to feeding out disinformation over radio chatter and spray painted buildings. You really can't trust anyone, so it keeps close to the mythos. What's cool too is you can never really die. If you are a survivor and bite the bullet (or zombie claw), you simply rise again as the undead. From there you can play as a zombie for a while or go to a revive point, where a helpful survivor can bring you back to the world of the living.

There is no winning in a zombie outbreak. You just hope to live longest... *evil cackle*

At 4:08 PM, April 12, 2008, Blogger seanp said...

Let me know where to meet up as well...

At 5:41 PM, April 12, 2008, Blogger Simon said...

I'll need your email Sean.

At 6:02 PM, April 12, 2008, Blogger Travis and Katy said...

I'm on! Send me the undisclosed, secret volcano lair coordinates. My email is

At 8:33 PM, April 14, 2008, Blogger Rob said...

Ok I'm at 5,82, I'm infected, and dying. Can't find a first aid kit

At 6:18 AM, April 23, 2008, Blogger Ben said...

Seeking revive again... this site was illuminating:


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