Thursday, April 20, 2006

Pass me the Grey Poupon...

I had a very fulfilling first day of vacation today. I'm off for one week, but me and my wife are not planning to travel this time to save up for a Euro trip in July.

Still, it was a very fulfilling first day today. We went to the movies (watched Lucky number Slevin... very cool by the way), and on our way back she asked "do you want to play a game?". "Do I want to play games?! Me?! Well of course!" (I felt like saying, but held back, and instead gave a more composed...."meh, sure").

So then I had the dilema... do I pull out something "meaty" or something light? Do I press my luck? So I just took the plunge. I pulled out Louis XIV.

Much to my surprise, she enjoyed it! She actually won the first game (47 to 46). Then she even agreed to a second game....and played aggressively! There are a few things to keep an eye out for in this game, and it takes at least one game to discover the strategies (like all other good euros), so we had an even better second game. We played a LOT more aggressive the second time around and ended with a 63 me, 52 her score. I'll keep bringing it with me on Monday night gaming to try out a 4 player game.

So I think I finally understood her gaming issues. It's not that she's not a gamer. She enjoys games, gets involved, and picks up on good strategies fairly quickly. She just doesn't tolerate my.... eh.... obses... lets say passion, for games. And she doesn't like learning too many new games in one session. She'd rather repeat a complex game she already knows. So now I have a few options... from the lighter Lost Cities, and Carcassone, to San Juan and now Louis XIV (hmmm... she also enjoys Puerto Rico, Acquire, and Settlers....I've done well). Someday I'll be like Simon playing WotR with my significant other.... or is that pushing it? Time will tell.


At 1:33 AM, April 21, 2006, Blogger Yehuda Berlinger said...

Letting her win the first time is a good plan. The lack of interest will happen if she loses several times in a row.

I don't think you may ever get to the War of the Ring stage, if she thinks that gaming is something to do with you, as opposed to gaming for the sake of gaming. But you might. It's just that after two hours, Real People begin to feel that they are wasting their time.


At 8:36 AM, April 21, 2006, Blogger Rob said...

wasting her time....

Yes, very much true with her. Indeed WotR may never happen, but that is ok. I have my SABG buds for that.

At 11:48 AM, April 21, 2006, Blogger Simon said...

Awesome Rob! I've learned being passive about getting a game out is THE optimal way to get the girl into it. After some time goes by and you're always off playing games with your friends, she'll get interested. Play it cool and see where the chips fall.

So now that I got Dayna to play WotR, I'm pushing my luck even further...Hammer of the Scots?

Oh, I dare.

I shall report later on the success...or dismal failure.

At 11:52 AM, April 21, 2006, Blogger Simon said...

Oh and I also forgot to offer up a friendly, obligatory hello to Yehuda. It's always nice to have another voice on the blog.

At 5:51 PM, April 21, 2006, Blogger Rob said...

TS maybe... it's been in my wishlist for a while.

At 11:08 PM, April 21, 2006, Blogger Brian said...

Well, this is all well and good.

But what does it have to do with drowning horses in a pool? I draw the line at horse drowning games.

Just, in case, you were wondering.

At 11:04 AM, April 22, 2006, Blogger Jeff said...

I'd play a horse drowning game if it had elegant mechanics.

At 11:12 AM, April 22, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

And she doesn't like learning too many new games in one session. She'd rather repeat a complex game she already knows.

Personally, I'm the same way. I don't mind learning several new games in one sitting, but I'd prefer to play each one again immediately to solidify the rules and strategy.

At 1:37 PM, April 22, 2006, Blogger Brian said...

You posted that about an hour after smoking us in your first game of Ca$h 'n Gun$, you know.

At 11:15 AM, April 24, 2006, Blogger Ben said...

Ah, Versailles... I hope you and your wife make it there this year, Rob. I think the day my wife and I spent there last year was our best experience in the greater Paris area.

At 9:56 PM, April 25, 2006, Blogger Rob said...

we are actually going to Spain for the first 2 weeks of July. Sweet.

At 6:01 PM, April 26, 2006, Blogger Ben said...

Cool... maybe we should play some El Grande or Alhambra before you go!

At 12:57 PM, April 29, 2006, Blogger Rick N said...

I start to win consistently after the first few games, and Dana (my wife) begins to lose interest; however, because she does like to play, that makes her receptive to getting another new game (woo-hoo!).


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