Saturday, November 19, 2005

Camelot saved for the third time...

Last night I had the chance to play Shadows for the third time. This time for a second there, I actually felt some pressure from the "invisible enemy" that we are all fighting together. But the moment quickly passed and those feelings were replaced by the boredom that comes from playing a semi-scripted game for the third time.

Excitement was replaced by arguments over what the next step should be. Eventually all was quiet while we tried to end it. Instead of staring at the board, I was staring more at my watch. The game kept draggin on and on... only to end by winning once again fighting an imaginary enemy... weepie, woohoo.

This left me wondering whether coop games can be as good as regular "confrontational" games. Personally, I like to stare at my opponent in the eye while I play my next killer move. I enjoy being surprised by an unexpected move by my opponent as well. To be fair, I won't generalize and say "all coop games are bad". I'll try to play others like Arkham Horror before I make that kind of a statement.

I just feel like the randomness and the element of surprise you get when playing with a real opponent, can't be emulated well with a scripted game. The card system tries, but I think it fails.

The reason why I love T+E so much is the same reason why I'm not enjoying coop games. T+E is like chess where you learn a few basic rules, but the possibilities are practically limitless. T+E, like chess, is a tabula rasa where all players are free to create whatever they want.


At 4:23 PM, November 19, 2005, Blogger Ben said...

Hey, stop giving Shadows Over Camelot bad press until my unplayed copy hits the table at least once! :)

The one cooperative game I have played a lot of is Lord of the Rings. I think this game actually does work, as its easy for everyone to get into the theme and really feel like its important to win as a group. I've heard with SoC it can be fun in the same way if every forgets that its a sort of a grand poker variant and gets into the story and theme.

Okay, I'm just taking a quick break from a solitaire practice run at Descent: Journeys in the Dark. Back to gaming!

At 4:25 PM, November 19, 2005, Blogger Ben said...

I do have Arkham Horror too, and long to play it some time. Now that the official FAQ has come out clarifying and fixing a few things, its much higher on my priority list.

The latest cooperative game, Beowulf, though I like the theme, after reading the rules and reviews just doesn't excite me.

At 9:57 AM, November 20, 2005, Blogger Rob said...

SoC has great a great theme don't get me wrong. I don't think any of us are really seeing it as a masked poker game (although, you are are looking for a 2 pair, a full house, straight, etc to fight the enemy).

And K, I'll play with you guys. If anything, to try it with new people. Maybe that's where you get quality replayability from a game like this.

At 7:02 PM, November 23, 2005, Blogger Rob said...

Junta....nice. In my wishlist.


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