Sunday, September 07, 2008

Monday planning

What should we expect for Monday evening gaming at DL? Will Dennis rejoin us after vanquishing his tenure materials?

(How much will the tenure box resemble a diorama (as was originally suggested by others)? Will Brian's suggested horse's head and Schroedinger's cat get along inside? Inquiring minds want to know but yet are terrified to find out.)

I should be there in the just after 5pm category. I will be continuing my lonely quest to push the SABBL past the finish line. (Will Michael's team come out of hiding?) I am confident something fun will be played; and I might even be able to personally partake.

Post your thoughts/plans (dreams, aspirations, ...) for Monday in the comments.



At 11:12 AM, September 07, 2008, Blogger Brian said...

I'll be there at 5:30ish, I imagine. The RockOrioles are 12-17 and need to play Dennis and Michael to finish up my second rotation. Unless I sweep out, I'll be sub .500 and out of the world series, which we will presumably start the first week of October.

I could be talked into that BloodBowl League with a minimum of arm twisting. While I'm pleased with the baseball season, I'm still mildly burned out.

As for tomorrow, I'm up to playing whatever. I suspect farming will be involved.

At 12:58 PM, September 07, 2008, Blogger scott said...

The MarlinCubs are 16-11 and need to play Michael twice and Sean to finish up my second rotation. (Yes I intend to hand Sean's team over to Brian or somebody to play their series against my team.) Sean's team is 10-10 and needs to play the RockOrioles 1 more game and everybody else one more series. At the moment I think that the MarlinCubs and Chris' team are favored to play in the Series but Jon, Dennis, and Sean's team could all get themselves in to it and with as many games as I think Michael's team still has to play they may even have a shot. At our current rate I am not sure we will be done with the regular season by the first week of October but we can keep trying.

I am on the fence about a BloodBowl League. I have given up hope of a second baseball season before next year's cards come out.

I was suspecting farming and new and improved Galaxy racing would both make appearances and unless Dennis or Michael's teams make surprise appearances only needing to play Brian 1 baseball game means I should be in for something else.

At 2:14 PM, September 07, 2008, Blogger Unknown said...

I should be there. If I am on time I might drag another co worker. Dev has been recruiting. :)

Or I might be late. I forgot that I might be meeting some friends after work at Flying Saucer for a beer or two.

But I will be there at some point.

At 3:02 PM, September 07, 2008, Blogger Dennis Ugolini said...

The Leftorium is 11-10 and needs one series against everyone but Scott. I'll be there 6ish. I'm also hoping the Game of Thrones LCG is out soon.

The tenure box is two folders from completion (out of 49). It looks like an IRS audit, but less romantic.

At 3:12 PM, September 07, 2008, Blogger seanp said...

I should be there 6ish. Looking forward to Agricola, since everyone else is light years ahead of me in experience... but I'm up for anything.

At 6:40 PM, September 07, 2008, Blogger scott said...

As a former law school tax geek I have to say that IRS audits can be pretty romantic but I will assume you meant it in a bad way.

At 7:56 PM, September 07, 2008, Blogger Brian said...

Judging from my father's comments (a forensic accountant), romances fizzle out faster than audits.


At 9:22 PM, September 07, 2008, Blogger Unknown said...

It is looking like a close to 6 pm arrival time for me.


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