Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Jon the Barbarian, Session Report from 9 Apr 2007

Chad, Jon, Rob, and I rallied in the local gaming and mead hall (aka Dragon's Lair) for an afternoon of epic Viking-style raiding and pillaging across medieval Europe in the form of Asmodee's production of the Ragnar Brothers design, Fire and Axe (aka Viking Fury).

In this game we each assumed the role of a Viking tribe, setting out to accomplish feats worthy of being memorialized in the Norse sagas while trading, raiding, and settling. At the start of each week, we had to decide how many warriors and provisions to load into our longboats, then brave the dark waters towards our targets.

Rob the Terrible focused on founding new settlements of his green tribe throughout Northern Europe. Jon the Fierce pursued a strategy of completing the most sagas, which really meant he was a thorn in everyone's side the entire game. Chad the Bloody was the most warlike among us, sacking and pillaging cities up and down the coast, including one particularly brutal and bloody assault to burn Paris to the ground. Ben the not so Terrible, not very Fierce, and kind of afraid of blood meandered a bit around Norway then hurried back to the warm cabin nestled into the fjords.

By then end of a few hours of play, Europe lay in ruins. Chad had by far captured the "bloody axe" bonus of pillaging the most towns. Rob scored a great number of points for his settlements. Jon, however, proved himself the mightiest warrior of them all with his mastery of sagas from Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. My tribe was last seen still floundering somewhere outside Oslo harbor, trying to figure out which way the lodestone was pointing...

Overall, a great game!



At 11:50 PM, April 10, 2007, Blogger Rob said...

It was a lot better than I expected. Not a super brain-burner....just fun, EXCELLENT components, MULTIPLE paths to victory, and a cool theme. How can you go wrong.

At 8:14 AM, April 11, 2007, Blogger Rob said...

Amy, I figured out why I'd had higher scoring games in my previous sessions of Take Stock.... simple reason that I just had not figured out: with less players, everyone has more cards in their hands (eg. 4 player game: 6 cards)....so if you want to play them all in front of you as shares, the company value rows have to be longer than what we had in our game.

At 9:25 AM, April 11, 2007, Blogger Ben said...

So is Take Stock any good?

At 9:49 AM, April 11, 2007, Blogger Rob said...

It's an a'ight card game. Nothing groundbreaking. I just enjoy it for its 'Colossal Arena' mechanic of temporary alliances....."you support computers? I'll support them too, and lets screw with corn."


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