Sunday, March 21, 2010

Got some extra money to spend?

ASL Auction--look at that price. Wow! I liked ASL a lot in college but only played a friend's copy. Glad I never felt compelled to be an ASL collector.


At 9:38 AM, March 21, 2010, Blogger Ben said...

I ditched my ASL mega-collection about 15 years ago. I had almost as much stuff as this guy. There was fun derived from the collecting, but the few people I met to actually play were... Well let's just say a tad under socialized. One guy actually still lived in his Mother's basement at age 40-something.... Not that there is anything wrong with that... I just didn't see myself having that kind of time or motivation.

At 7:28 PM, March 22, 2010, Blogger Carlos said...

I was an avid squad leader player long before ASL. I still have the SL game that I ordered from AH before the game hit the store shelves. I think I got Cross of Iron and that was it. Just too complex for me.

I had no idea that ASL has this kind of following so as to pay $2300 for all this stuff. Hope that they get good use out of it.

At 9:30 PM, March 23, 2010, Blogger Mark S said...

See the Texas ASL Club website. They're still out there.
June is the annual ASL-fest in Round Rock. Must be like the Gathering; all those ASL aficionados in one grid zone!


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