Friday, October 09, 2009

SABG and BGG.con flea market

So I just noticed that almost everyone going to BGG.Con is selling games at the flea market. Do you all have the games you are selling up on BGG as for sale. I thought that there might be some internal sales prior to the flea market, depending what is for sale. Just a thought. Or we could just list them here. :)


At 10:43 AM, October 09, 2009, Blogger Schifani said...

I've got about $170 worth (at Boulder games prices) of Battlelore stuff that I'm going to try and sell in Austin for 80 bucks.

At 11:04 AM, October 09, 2009, Blogger Rob said...

Is there a signup list or something? like last year?

At 11:12 AM, October 09, 2009, Blogger pat said...

If anyone wants to sell Agricola at a fair and balanced price, I would be interested

At 11:29 AM, October 09, 2009, Blogger Ben said...

I've got about $170 worth (at Boulder games prices) of Battlelore stuff that I'm going to try and sell at BGG for $79.99.

At 12:08 PM, October 09, 2009, Blogger Unknown said...

I've got about $170 worth (at Boulder games prices) of Battlelore stuff that I'm going to try and sell at BGG for $79.98.

At 10:31 PM, October 09, 2009, Blogger seanp said...

I'm gonna buy Rob's and offer it for sale for $86...

Ummm - I need to look through my games and pick out what I'm going to take to sell. I also need to play a few of the games I picked up at the Dragon's Lair clearance to see if I will hold on to them or sell them off.


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